


星体 (Celestial Bodies)

恒星 (Star): A massive, luminous sphere of plasma held together by gravity, producing light and other forms of electromagnetic radiation.

行星 (Planet): A celestial body that orbits a star, is spherical or nearly spherical in shape, and has cleared its orbit of other debris.

卫星 (Satellite): A natural or artificial body that orbits a planet.

彗星 (Comet): A small celestial body consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust that orbits the sun.

小行星 (Asteroid): Small rocky bodies that orbit the sun, mostly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

恒星系 (Galaxy): A gravitationally bound system of stars, stellar remnants, interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter.


宇宙现象 (Cosmic Phenomena)

黑洞 (Black Hole): A region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape.

星云 (Nebula): An interstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium, and other ionized gases.

星团 (Star Cluster): A group of stars that are gravitationally bound and formed from the same molecular cloud.

脉冲星 (Pulsar): A highly magnetized, rotating neutron star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation.

宇宙膨胀 (Cosmic Expansion): The increase in the distance between distant galaxies as time progresses, considered one of the key pieces of evidence for the Big Bang theory.


观测工具 (Observational Tools)

望远镜 (Telescope): An optical instrument that gathers and magnifies light to observe distant objects in the sky.

天文台 (Observatory): A location equipped for observing celestial events, often housing telescopes and other instruments.

光谱 (Spectrum): The distribution of electromagnetic radiation by wavelength, often used to analyze the composition and properties of celestial objects.

探测器 (Probe): A spacecraft designed to explore celestial bodies or regions of space beyond Earth's atmosphere.

天文摄影 (Astrophotography): The practice of capturing images of celestial objects and phenomena using telescopes and cameras.


理论和模型 (Theories and Models)

宇宙大爆炸理论 (Big Bang Theory): The prevailing cosmological model for the observable universe, stating that the universe expanded from a hot, dense state approximately 13.8 billion years ago.

相对论 (Relativity): The physical theory developed by Albert Einstein, describing the relationship between space and time and the gravitational effects of matter.

天体力学 (Celestial Mechanics): The study of the motion of celestial bodies under the influence of gravity, often described using mathematical models such as Newton's laws of motion and gravitation.



